
Task 1
Using the below series of 4 pictures, invent an interesting story.
The following original stories are chosen from the after-checking papers handed in by first year students at USSH- In service training center located at Phu Nhuan High School- Hoang Minh Giam Street, Phu Nhuan District- HCM city

Story A:
An artificial Rain
Written by  Mr Pham Duy Trang
1.     Today is the last Saturday of June 2015, that’s also the 1st day of  the summer  holiday. Brian and his twin brother-Ricky are enjoying their summer with eager faces! They woke up at 8:00 am and have breakfast later than usual. Then they turn on the TV to watch “The World of Wild Animals” on Discovery channel, their most favorite one.
Hereafter, their mom recognized that it’s passed nearly one hour since her sons have sat down in front of the TV. She takes a ball in her hand and says: “ Oh, boys ! Don’t squander a beautiful morning while the sun is shining bright. Why don’t you stop watching TV and go out for playing football in the backyard ?”
2.     “Yes, ma’am.” Both reply. They turn off the TV and get the ball from their Mom . Then they hurry to step toward the door leading to the backyard. Brian  opens the door after he unlocks it. Right at that time, drops of water fall onto their faces. “Rain! It’s raining, Mom!” Ricky shouts at the top of  his voice
3.     Mom comes with them immediately. She steps outside; hence, she finds out what is happening. She says: “Oh, boys. I don’t think so. Your dad is making the ‘rain’.” While she is pointing up at the balcony, the boys look up to the balcony and  see their father watering the plants.
4.     “Sorry,  I’ve just overfed water to the plants, and the water drains down as you see.” he said. Mom replied: “Never mind, my dear. You should pay more attention next time. And my boys, you can go out now to start the game. Try your best to make scores as well as possible!”

Story B:
                                                   Don’t become a couch potato!
                                                       Written by Doan Viet Ha
        During summer days, my brother and I have a lot of time to relax, but we just stay at home and watch our favorite program on TV.
       It is Sunday morning, my mother just comes back from the market and bought a ball to us. She comes into our room with the ball in her hand. She says: "It is not good for your eyes to watch television all day. Both of you should go out and play football". 
     We look at each other, stand up and turn off the TV unwillingly. We open the door to go to the garden in front of our house.
     Suddenly, we see so much water falling in front of house. We don't know where it comes from. We call mom, and she goes outside to see what is happening.
    She looks up and sees Mr.Tom - my uncle is watering flowers at the balcony on the second floor. We make a sign for him to stop watering, and start our football game.

Story C:                                   Joyful Sunday Morning
Written by Thạch Ngọc
Today is Sunday, the weather is warm and sunny. The sun- rays shine on the window, while Jeremy and I are watching our favorite program.
-         “ What a beautiful day! Why don’t  you play soccer in the backyard, my sons ?”  Mom says
-         “ Yes, Mom”. We obey our Mom.
I get a ball from my Mom and go outside with my brother, Jeremy.
When we come to the door, suddenly  Jeremy screams:
-         “ Oh! Tomas, look ! Look ! It’s raining!”
-         “ What ?  What are you talking about ?” I ask Jeremy and look outside. “Huh, Why  is it raining? That’s impossible!” I wonder. “Mom! Where is the water from?” I ask my Mom.
-         “ Haha! Thomas! Jeremy! Come here and look up the stair, you will know where the water is from.” Mom said.
-         “ Hello my sons.”
-         “ Oh! Daddy, what are you doing?”
-         “ I’m watering the flower” my Dad says.
My Mom smiles. “ You make me and Jeremy think about raining, Daddy”, I say; Then, Jeremy and I played with the ball; my father completed watering the flowers; he went down the stair, and we played together. That’s a great day!

Story D:                              
My Father can make anything
                                       Written by Thủy Tiên (1996)                                     
It is a beautiful day. The sky is clear and the sun is shining. Sandra walks into the living room and sees her two sons watching TV.
-         “ Boys, it’s a very beautiful day. Why don’t you go out and play?”. Sandra says.
-         “ OK mom”. The boys reply.
They turn off the TV and take the soccer ball from Sandra. They are going to play soccer in the back yard.
The boys run to the back door. But when they open the door, it is raining.
“ This is strange!”. Peter says
“Yeah! Mom said the sky is clear”. David says. “ But it’s raining out side right now”.
While they are sill talking, Sandra walks by
“What are you two standing here for?” asks.
“ Mom, it’s raining.” David says
“ What?” She walks to the door to check  herself. “The weather was nice a second ago.”
As observing, she notices something strange. She can only see the rain through the back door. She can not see it through any other doors or windows. She steps out side to see what is happening. The moment she looks up to the second floor, she bursts into laugh.
The boys run out too. They want to know what makes their Mom  laugh so much. Upstairs, at the balcony, their Dad is watering the plants. He is accidentally making the “ rain” at the back door.

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